DIY Electrics: Assessing Safety and Knowing When to StopDIY Electrics: Assessing Safety and Knowing When to Stop

About Me

DIY Electrics: Assessing Safety and Knowing When to Stop

When I bought my first home, I could only afford one that was a bit worn down. As we didn't have a lot of money to pay a contractor, my partner and I did a lot of the work ourselves. While we were keen to tackle drywall, rip up and replace flooring and paint everything, we were a bit scared of the electrics. The house was old, and it had suffered from water damage. I wasn't sure what was safe and what wasn't. However, I learned a lot about electrics along the way, and I fell in love with the topic. I want to help others in the same situation so decided to start this blog. My name is Kate, and welcome.

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Tips to Cushion Homeowners Against Electrical Hazards

Electricity deserves your appreciation as well as your attention in equal measure. On one side, it allows you to use home appliances such as fridges, toasters, dishwashers, ovens, laundry machines, etc., which makes life much more comfortable and household chores a lot easier to do. On the flip side, electricity can cause fire, electrocution and other electrical hazards that may harm your loved ones and destroy the items inside your house. Read More